曾获深圳市孔雀计划海外高层次人才(C类),获得中国博士后科学基金重点资助(中国博士后派出计划-香港中文大学)(全国120人)。发表SCI论文40余篇,其中近三年以第一/通讯作者完成和发表SCI论文17篇, JCR一区论文7篇,ACS Editors’ Choice 亮点论文一篇。担任环境领域经典综述期刊Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (IF=7.9, JCR一区) 青年编委, Toxics(JCR 二区)特刊编辑。长期担任Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Cleaner Production, Environmental International等环境主流期刊审稿人。
2016.01-2019.05 Jackson State University,土木与环境工程学院,环境工程,哲学博士
2013.09-2015.12 太阳集团7237网站(北京),化学与环境工程学院,环境工程,工学硕士
2009.09-2013.06 太阳集团7237网站(北京),化学与环境工程学院,环境工程,工学学士
2022.04-至今 太阳集团7237网站(北京),太阳集团7237网站,讲师
5. Su. P., Zhang, J., Zhou, Y., Wei, Z., Zhao, S., Yang, B., Zhao, X., Chen, J. Efficient photocatalytic production of hydrogen peroxide by Z-scheme resorcinol-formaldehyde resin/g-C3N4 heterostructure under visible light. Chemical Engineering Journal, 454 (2023) 140504.
4. Su, P., Huo, Q., Zhang, J., Zhao, G., Ouan, B., Zhang, C.. Recovery of phosphorus from public toilet press filtrate usingCa-rich fly ash through the formation of hydroxyapatite (HAP). Resources, Conservation and Recycling Advances, 2023 200138.
3. Su, P., Zhang, J., Xiao, K., Zhao, S., Djellabi, R., Li, X., ... & Zhao, X. C3N4 modified with single layer ZIF67 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants under visible light. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 41(12), 1894-1905.
2. Su, P., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, C., Yang, B., Zhang, C., & Zhao, X. Pb-Based Perovskite Solar Cells and the Underlying Pollution behind Clean Energy: Dynamic Leaching of Toxic Substances from Discarded Perovskite Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11(8), 2812-2817. ACS Editors’ Choice.
1. Su, P.*, Zhang, J., & Li, Y. Solidification/stabilization of stainless steel pickling residue with aluminum potassium sulfate amended fly ash. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 234, 400-409.
5. 2021上海水处理展览会(上海国家会展中心)
4. 2021光催化中青年学者论坛暨中国感光学会光催化专业委员会2021年学术年会(江南大学-无锡).
3. 2020届能源与环境催化会议暨能源与环境催化领域学者高端论坛(福州).
2. Peidong Su, Junke Zhang and Yadong Li. Toxicity characterization and treatment of hazardous metals in pickling and passivation sludge generated from stainless steel production in China. 15th Intl. Sym. Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research, Abstract and poster, Feb, 18, 2019,
1. Peidong Su, Yadong Li. Aluminum-Sulfate-Amend Fly ash Stabilization/solidification Heavy metals in Stainless steel pickling residues. 14th Intl. Sym. Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research, Poster, Sep.11, 2017,
联系方式:supd2018@126.com, supeidong@cumtb.edu.cn